Kharazmi University ,
Abstract: (3066 Views)
The ratios of elastic anisotropy in cohesionless soils are always of substantial importance in respective analyses to the geotechnical and geological engineering projects. These ratios are raising from the available discrepancies in anisotropic elastic parameters ascribed to the different directions and planes of soil mass. The major objective of this study is to recognize the variations range of anisotropy ratios resulting from anisotropic shear and Young’s moduli for a variety of cohesionless soils followed by assessing the potential relations among these two anisotropies. To this end, by assuming the transversely isotropy in cohesionless soils, the anisotropic elastic constants from 266 conducted laboratory tests on 37 various soil specimens relating to 10 different sands were derived from conventional triaxial and seismic waves laboratory tests coupled with the numerical testing results in literature. By sorting the collected data and subsequently their analyses, at the first stage, the values of shear and Young’s moduli anisotropy ratios were calculated for the studied soils. Furthermore, by plotting the anisotropy ratios in several joint panels and performing a series of regression analyses on the resulting values, the possible dependencies were inspected between these two anisotropies. At last, the indicative equations among shear and Young’s moduli anisotropies were developed with insistence on use of which instead of the former similar relations in literature.
Type of Study:
Original Research |
Geotecnic Received: 2023/07/16 | Accepted: 2023/07/30 | Published: 2023/09/18