Shahid Bahonar University
Abstract: (7596 Views)
The previous studies underteaken in the region indicate that the Ekhtiarabad and Chah-Darya sinkholes have occurred as a result of dissolution of underground gypsum rocks. Hence, they represent the likelyhood of hidden and threatening caves in the region. The presence of gypsiferous formations having surficial karstic features attest to this supposition. So, in order to determine the possible dissolving sites which may contain caves, the electrical conductivity and evaporite dissolution index maps of Kerman-Baghin aquifier were prepared and matched with groundwater recharge and mobility conditions. Accordingly, four suspected hidden- cave sites were recognized which include a large area around Ekhtiarabad village (as the most suspected site), one spot at the northwest of Baghin Plain and two other areas (south of Baghin and south and southwest or Kabutarkhan). Based on the utilized hydrogeochemical criteria, these last two areas may contain hidden caves, but, due to unsuitable hydrodynamic conditions, the possibility seems weak.
Type of Study:
Case-Study |
Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5