Volume 1, Issue 2 (انگلیسی از صفحه 193 تا 208 2003)                   2003, 1(2): 133-156 | Back to browse issues page

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Fault Pattern and Estimation of Uplift rate along the High Zagros Thrust Fault. Journal of Engineering Geology 2003; 1 (2) :133-156
URL: http://jeg.khu.ac.ir/article-1-307-en.html
Abstract:   (9561 Views)
(Paper pages 133-156) Zagros active fold-thrust belt lies on the northern margin of the Arabian continental crust it is a young fold-thrust mountain belt currently shortening, thickening and uplifting as a result of the collision of the Arabian and Iranian plates. Rethickening of crust during collisional orogenies could have been carried out by reversal of fault motion along the Mesozoic normal faults (Jackson 1980, Jackson and Fitch 1981, Berberian and king 1981, Jackson etal. 1981) This study constitutes contribution towards an estimation Rate of uplifting along the High Zagros Fault and fault patterns in the southern margin of High Zagros fold-thrust belt. The High Zagros deep-seated fault is located between High Zagros thrust belt and Zagros Simply Folded belt in the southern margin of the High Zagros belt. (Berberian , 1995). The Farsoon – Baghe Hiran –Goushki fault is a part of High Zaros Fault (H.Z.F) system and is located northeast of Lordegan city in Chaharmahal State.In this region on the basis of field geology a geological map (scale :1: 50/000) is prepared. For the recognation of fault pattern, enechelon faults of H.Z.F. and estimation rate of uplifting along the H.Z.F three structural sections have been drawn. Correlation between geological structures, fault patterns in High Zagros Fault system ‘stratigraphic profiles’ enechelon. faults of H.Z.F and paleogeographic data give us an insight to many conclusions.There are many footwall-vergent shortcut thrust, hanging wall by pass thrust and hanging wall vergent back thrust developed with High Zagros fault. Footwall shortcut thrusts ,hanging wall by pass thrust and backthrusts are common features of Inversion tectonic Settings. In this region, the fault pattern and stratigraphic curves indicate inversion tectonic in pre-existing extensional normal faults. -The minimum throw (uplifting) of a fault depends on the thickness of formations that is omitted along the fault and with respect to stratigraphic units thickness and geological cross sections, the minimum rate of uplifting along the H.Z.F. is about 2.05 0.1 mm/year
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Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5

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